We believe God is triune or "three-in-one." Mind boggling, right? While distinct (three persons), we worship God (one being) as — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
As the Apostle's Creed professes, "We believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth," all things spiritual and/or material. Oddly enough, while we praise Him as Father, God is neither male nor female. In fact, He creates both male and female in His image. We relate to God as Father because He has chosen to reveal His fatherly love for us in sending His Son for our salvation.
We profess the centrality of Jesus Christ, a first century Jew who also happened to be the only begotten Son of God. In Christ alone we see the true character of God revealed and experience unity with God again through the work of Jesus’ atoning work on the cross, resurrection from the grave, and ascension into heaven. Oh, and we believe he’s coming back to make all things right in the end.
We believe the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave also lives in all who place their trust in Jesus. The Holy Spirit calls, convicts, saves, gifts, sanctifies, and glorifies believers. He is an ever present helper with the goal of making us look more like Jesus for eternity.
We believe that in the Bible you will find all things necessary to experience new life in Christ and pursue him in holiness. Your Bible is not a haphazard collection of merely human texts. It is the time-tested, Holy Spirit inspired, communally received, Word of God that serves as the highest authority in a Christian’s life. We believe both the Old Testament (which anticipates Jesus) and the New Testament (which reflects on the Christ event) are the standard of Christian faith as we seek salvation through Christ and and look to make a difference in this world through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus came not simply to die, but to start a movement - a gathering (ekklesia). This gathering of followers of Jesus is called "The Church". It is messy, sometimes complicated, occassionally even convoluded, but it is the bride of Christ. Jesus loves his misfit church and has chosen to show the world His love through it. This community of believers includes anyone across time and geographic and cultural lines who profess Jesus as Lord. While every church looks, talks, and acts a little different, we all serve the same purpose - to help guide people to love God with their whole hearts and love others as they love themselves. We gather because we know we can't do it alone.
Humans are created in the image of God but we messed stuff up. Humanity rebelled against God choosing our will over His perfect will. This rebellion is called sin and it is costly. From the story of Adam & Eve in the garden all the way up to our own present day wrong doings, one thing is for sure - "We have all sinned and fallen short of God's glorious standard." Sin creates a barrier between us and God and corrupts His image in us, such that we are incapable of living life as we were intended to. Praise God He didn't leave us to suffer alone. He broke into human history in radical, loving pursuit of us in the person of Christ Jesus. We believe that the work of Christ offering himself on the Cross provides the only way for us to be made right with God and be born again (spiritually speaking). His sacrifice is sufficient for anyone and everyone who will repent of their sin and trust in him. Salvation is the grace filled act of God saving us from the grip of sin and death and to a new, holy life in Him for eternity. You too, can be Made New.
Our Beliefs are in Line with the The Discipline 2016 of the Wesleyan Church.
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